Friday, October 19, 2007

OCTOBER 19, 2007

We had our own game of Family Feud this morning... Bonnie and Katie were our contestants... Each had the chance to guess the #1 answer to a survey question for Billy Joel tickets!

For each question, the person who gave the more popular response won a point... three points won the game...Could you have guessed the #1 answer?

Question 1:
Name something kids do that make their parents very nervous.
Bonnie-- Jumping off the bed (not on the board)
Katie-- Ride their bike (not on the board)

Question 2:
Name something men compete with each other for
Katie-- Bigger muscles (not on the board)
Bonnie-- Women (#1 ANSWER)-- POINT

Question 3:
Name something people keep in a desk drawer at home.
Bonnie-- Scissors (not on the board)
Katie-- Stamps (#3 answer)-- POINT
#1 Answer-- Pen/Pencil

Question 4:
Name something that many husbands find themselves apologizing for.
Katie-- Arguing (#6 answer)
Bonnie-- Forgetting an important date (#2 answer)-- POINT
#1 Answer-- Coming in late

Question 5:
Name something in the house women use more than men
Bonnie-- Hair dryer (#6 answer)
Katie-- Vaccum (#2 answer)-- POINT
# 1 Answer-- Stove/Oven

Name something people try and talk their way out of.

Bonnie rang in first... Traffic ticket (#1 ANSWER)-- POINT!

Don't be sad for Katie... she took home the new Family Feud DVD game... a lovely parting gift.

Everybody seems to Google their date these days. Ever considered what a guy would find out about you? to the rescue! This subscription service specializes in tracking and erasing e-embarrassments (for $29.95 each) -- like revenge rants from exes or pictures of you when you were brunette and 20 pounds heavier.

Join Kristin Jacobs at Surroundings on Saturday from 11 AM ‘til 1 as she broadcasts live! Meet HGTV’s Michael Payne, get your design questions answered, and sign up to win a one on one design consultation!

Located at 4606 California Avenue behind San Joaquin Bank… don’t miss it! Saturday… 11-1, with Kristin Jacobs and 97.7 The Breeze!