Wednesday, December 5, 2007

DECEMBER 5, 2007

There's a new book out in England called "Teach Yourself: Training Your Brain"... and it's a guide of what experts all over the world say you should eat, drink and do to make your brain its sharpest... and keep it sharp when you get older.

Here are some of the different things the book lists as good and bad for your brain. Check 'em out...

GOOD. Eat dark chocolate.
GOOD. Eat a pile of cold meat for breakfast.
GOOD. Cuddling with a baby.
GOOD. Having someone help you with homework. (--Brains work better in pairs.)
GOOD. Reading out loud.
GOOD. Getting a business degree from a university.
GOOD. Counting out loud to 99, in threes, as fast as you can.

BAD. Watching soap operas.
BAD. Caffeine at night.
BAD. Bread, pasta or pizza anytime except at night.
BAD. Hanging out with people who complain a lot.

Here's a fun way to waste The Man's time in your cubicle today. Identify the celebrities by their close-up facial features... click here.

For some reason, a Swedish consulting company called Sweco decided to try to break down what SANTA CLAUS does into math. Here's what they figured out...

Between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Santa would deliver presents at 2.5 billion homes

To make that happen, he'd have to travel against the Earth's rotation, to get a full 48 hours of delivering presents. The reindeer would have to travel 3,604 miles per second... or 12,974,400 miles per hour.

At each house, Santa would have 34 microseconds, or 0.000034 seconds, to get down the chimney, deliver presents and get out.

And, for the most efficient route against the Earth's rotation, Santa would have to live in the former Soviet republic of KYRGYZSTAN and start delivering presents there.

There's only one flaw with all this math. The researchers say that with the weight of the sleigh, traveling at 3,604 miles per second, there'd be such massive air resistance that it would burst into flames and be VAPORIZED in 4.26 thousandths of a second.

According to a new survey, 33% of companies... or one out of three... say they're not going to be holding a holiday party this year. Five years ago, it was half that.

More than half of the managers who said their companies aren't having parties say they aren't doing it because the parties feel, quote, "forced." The next biggest reason for not having one is that they're a pain to plan.

The third-biggest reason? The companies are worried about someone getting harassed at the party and suing the company... or someone getting drunk at the party, getting into a car accident and then suing the company.